Fuel your body correctly to get the perfect summer body

With warm weather approaching, hiding beneath long sleeves and long pants is no longer an option. Time to break out the tank tops and shorts. With more minimalistic clothing, it is harder for people to hide their not bikini-ready bodies. Gym memberships increase an average of 12 percent in January through March according to U.S. News as people try to get ready for warmer weather. College students are definitely included in the 12 percent as they try to get ready for spring break. But exercise alone is not going to get you the bikini body you want. Your diet is crucial to this process.

According to multiple health experts, abs are made in the kitchen. Abs are 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise. How you fuel your body determines how effective your workout will be and how well your body will burn calories. This is a message that Kate Imthurn, SLU’s athletic nutritionist, has to stress to athletes frequently. “If you are in the gym and you’re working out, you aren’t going to get the same results if like you aren’t providing your body with the nutrients it needs. So if you are eating a high fat diet or if you are eating something very processed or anything, you are not going to get those amino acids. You are not going to get those good carbohydrates to fuel your body through this workout or the right amino acids to like build your muscles. So if you are overeating on calories or overeating on stuff you don’t need then it’s just going to be detrimental in the end,” Imthurn said. Your body needs to be fueled properly in order for it to be in a maximum calorie and fat burning state throughout the day.

The other 20 percent to abs is exercise. Many people correlate losing weight to running for long periods of time. Anna McGovern, a certified trainer at SLU, says for the best results you want to incorporate both cardio and weight lifting. “Cardio is really important. You should be doing 30 minutes of cardio five times a week. You should be weightlifting around two times a week. Moderate to high intensity,” McGovern said. Another point McGovern discussed was women fearing they would get to bulky if they lifted weights. “You will not get bulky from lifting weights. Your body is not genetically made up to get huge. The only way you will look like that is if you are taking some kind of supplement,” McGovern said. Lifting weights or using body weight is any easy way to tone your body, which will give you a more slim appearance.

Making time to exercise can be difficult when your schedule is filled with studying, class, work, etc. Many students find it difficult to live a fit lifestyle while being a college student. Sidney Buckner, a senior at SLU, says she has a hard time finding time to go exercise around her hectic schedule. A very easy and accessible way to get fast and easy workouts that don’t take an hour to complete is using sites such as Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram. McGovern said these sites have tons of workouts for all different aspects of your body that you can do without needing a gym. Buckner also mentioned portion sizes in college make it hard to maintain good eating habits, especially when you have a huge sweet tooth like Buckner and there are many unhealthy options on campus available almost all day. Imthurn advised students who are working out daily to eat at least three meals and two snacks so that when it is time to sit down for a meal you are not starving. You will be less likely to make poor dietary choices.

A full body transformation isn’t impossible. Small changes to your diet will help you get the results you desire. Begin your journey to your perfect bikini body today!

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